August 2011

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I have recently run into a very peculiar problem: After the switch to .NET 4, our company website started reporting strange errors. The exception message reads as follows

The page is performing an async postback but the ScriptManager.SupportsPartialRendering property is set to false. Ensure that the property is set to true during an async postback.

And even weirder is that after some investigation and adding some debug information to the exception log it became clear that all those exceptions were “caused” by Safari UserAgent strings (iPhone, iPad, …) that according to the ASP.NET browser capabilities were “recognized” as “Mozilla 0.0” Browsers with basically no capabilities whatsoever. Continue reading ASP.NET 4 BrowserCaps (or: what were they thinking?)

Previously I thought this was not possible, since the ASP.NET postback involves POST-ing the all-encompassing ASP.NET form, but I am here to tell you, that it is indeed possible to do a postback to a new window or even a popup (created with In fact, it is surprisingly simple. All you really have to know is that the “target” attribute you know from anchors (links) works exactly the same way for forms!
Continue reading ASP.NET Postback to new Window or Popup

I needed to grab a paged list of Data from some Website and wanted to do it with a Browser Automation Tool.

There’s Telerik’s Free Testing Framework but that one needs to be installed (because it uses Plugins/Addons for the Browser) in order to run.

I found a very nice alternative: WatiN (or if the other page is down)
It’s a simple Library which allows everything needed when automating webbrowsers.